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Dosia? najjasnejia pozorovan explzia hviezdy do?asne oslepila satelit ur?en na pozorovanie spomnanch javov, uviedli v stredu astronmovia. Vbuch sprevdzalo elektromagnetick iarenie gama a rntgenov l?e. Tie pochdzali z hviezdy, ktor zanikla pred piatimi miliardami rokov ve?mi ?aleko od naej galaxie Mlie?na cesta, uviedol americk Nrodn rad pre letectvo a vesmr (NASA) a britsk vedci z University of Leicester. Radicii trvalo takto dlh ?as, km dorazila ku kozmickmu observatriu Swift.

Napísal Peter Gur?k Piatok, 16 Júl 2010 10:00


Google Chrome naber na sile

Zkladom Chrome OS bude internetov prehliada? Chrome aprve tento produkt si pripisuje na svoje konto stpajce podiely. Podobne aj vprve skon?enom jni. Chrome si dokonca pod?a naich tatistk polepil nato?ko, e na prekonal hranicu 13 percent. Ide osumrny s?et vetkch verzi Chrome, pri?om gro tvor lnia 5.x sjnovmi 11,1 percentami. Prehliada? od Google sa vyvja hne? vnieko?kch smeroch, ke?e je dostupn ako finlna verzia, nov zostavy s uvo??ovan cez beta kanl aj dev kanl pre vvojrov.

Kliknite pre zobrazenie v?ieho obrzku
Zprostredia Google Chrome

Posledná úprava Štvrtok, 02 September 2010 20:32 Napísal Peter Gur?k Piatok, 16 Júl 2010 07:11


Spolo?nosti Sony Pictures Entertainment, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics a Valens Semiconductor sformovali alianciu s nzvom HDBaseT Alliance, ktorej cie?om je vyvinutie, tandardizovanie a etablovanie novej technolgie prenosu signlov a energie prostrednctvom kbla ur?enho na prepojenie rznych audio- a videozariaden. Kbel HDBaseT by tak u relatvne ?oskoro mohol za?a? nahrdza? kbel HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface), ktor bol predstaven v roku 2003 a v s?asnosti je iroko pouvan.

Napísal Peter Gur?k Streda, 14 Júl 2010 12:07


Rapidshare prechdza v poslednch mesiacoch vraznmi zmenami, pred pr td?ami CEO spolo?nosti Bobby Chang vyhlsil, e sa u necti tou pravou osobou na vedenie spolo?nosti. Krtko po tom spolo?nos? pristpila k zrueniu odmien pre pouvate?ov nahrvajcich populrny obsah. Najradiklnejou zmenou bol nepochybne nov systm prmiovch ?tov, ktor vrazne znevhodnil pouvate?ov s?ahujcich v?ie mnostv dt. To vyvolalo na internete ve?k vlnu odporu a Rapidshare sa nakoniec rozhodol svoje stanovisko prehodnoti?.

Posledná úprava Štvrtok, 02 September 2010 20:32 Napísal Peter Gur?k Streda, 14 Júl 2010 12:02

Why ET need an anti-cheat


7 years after ET has been released, here we are still playing the game we all love. Many were those who predicted ET will die after 2-3 years, 4 years surely dead!? What's this, 7 years and here we still are standing strong, and you can arguably say that this CiC7 was as strong as CPC2, and what about the signups? A staggering 35 signups! Who would have ever predicted that ET would be breaking signup records after 7 years? galahad? Dj Wheat? I have my doubts. So here we are on Crossfire 7 years later, reaching 265 signups for OpenCup 5on5, without even mentioning the 167 signups for 3on3 and 102 signups for 2on2. Combined that gives us a total of 534 teams for all these formats, not as strong as when Enemy Territory was at its climax, but surely enough belief to say that ET is having its own Renaissance.

Now let me get to the point, the last 3 years we have all stated we need an anti-cheat due to PunkBuster being inefficient, laggy and flawed from a to z. I don't blame you for persecuting PunkBuster because the truth is that it is not good, it's horrible nowadays, and with all the NO PB Configs that were inevitable due to all the problems it caused, we have unlocked a gateway to the cheaters, ET is a heaven for cheating, it's true that ET private cheats have got less customers (I can confirm this since i do have a dump of all netCoders customers ips) but the number of new customers was so small, there was no point in hyping it by making a new list. Without (and arguably even with PunkBuster) there are many methods of cheating, what I am about to list are the types of cheats that exist and are being used for ET and neither of them are invented.

Posledná úprava Piatok, 18 Jún 2010 17:32 Napísal Piatok, 18 Jún 2010 17:31

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